Why Overpay For Medical Waste pick up?

Call Elliott for Great Pricing on Medical Waste PICK UP

BIOGEN is a medical waste pick up company – I’ve been working with them for several years – servicing the needs of my Funeral Director accounts.

BIOGEN has coverage in 90 percent of the country.  Their clientele consists of doctors, dentists, medical professionals and funeral homes. 

Our story is unusual.  It began a few years ago on a golf course, when I happened to be paired up with the CEO of CitiWaste. Eventually Citiwaste merged with BIOGEN and I have been representing them ever since.   

Switching to BIOGEN will save you $  because we offer you the same reliable pick-up service at a much lower price.  Why over pay?

>  How often do you pick up?   

>  What is cost per box?

>  Where does the waste go?

>  Is BIOGEN government regulated?

>  How do I cancel my current contract with my medical waste company?

My answer to each question above is simple.  It starts with giving me a call at: (917)-916-8767 and I’ll answer it all.

Note: Switching from your “old waste company” to BIOGEN is easy – even if you are currently under contract!  The process is simple.  I’ve done it a hundred times. And I will handle it all!

The process takes merely minutes. First, I’ll quote you a much lower price than you pay. Then, I’ll fax you our authorization paper. Within minutes you’ll be set up.  

NOTE:  After we talk, you’ll probably call a few funeral director friends, and recommend my offer to them.  I appreciate that, and I thank you in advance!

         Elliott Goldstein    /    ELLIOTT URN & SUPPLY   /   (917)-916-8767